For the latest news, updates, reminders, and schedules, please click the button at the bottom of our Zion Church page of this website.
Sunday 8:00 am Contemporary PAX
Sunday 10:00 am Traditional Worship
Monday 7:00 pm Vespers Worship
Sunday 9:00 am Sunday School
Sunday 9:00 am Adult Bible Study
Wednesday 5:15 pm Faith Weaver Friends
The Bible class for women will meet on Wednesday mornings at 7AM, unless otherwise announced.
The Bible class for men will meet on Thursday mornings at 6:30AM, unless otherwise announced.
Our Zion quilting group has resumed and will meet every Thursday afternoon, beginning at 1:00PM, in the church narthex, unless otherwise announced.
A few educational ministry opportunities will be returning in the near future. We hope you will join us for . . .
Confirmation classes for public school 7th and 8th grade students will be continuing on Wednesdays from 4PM to 5:30PM at Zion Lutheran Church.
Faith Weavers will be continuing for all kindergarten through 6th grade students on Wednesdays from 5:15PM to 6:45PM at Zion Lutheran Church.
Sunday School classes for all ages will be continuing on Sunday mornings from 9AM to 9:45AM at Zion Lutheran Church.
Our monthly Fusion Youth Group meeting for 7th through 12th grade students is scheduled to take place on Sunday, January 12th, from 5PM to 8PM at Zion Lutheran Church.
Bring a friend!
The Board of Trustees will have their next meeting on Monday, January 13th, beginning at 6PM at Zion Lutheran Church.
The Board of Elders will have their next meeting on Monday, January 13th, beginning at 8PM at Zion Lutheran Church.
Zion Lutheran Church will be installing their new Church Council officers during both the 8AM and 10AM church services on Sunday, January 19th.
The Fusion Youth Group is currently planning to take a group of 7th-12th grade students on a ski trip to Sioux Falls, SD on Sunday, January 19th.
Check the youth page of this website for more details.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 3:15 pm
Zion Lutheran School is an NLSA Accredited School that is approved and renewed every 5 years.
Check In Weekly to Watch our Regular Live-Streams!
Your heartfelt weekly financial support of Zion Lutheran Church and School is necessary now more than ever, as our congregation continues to be confronted by rising ministry expenses.
Please remember that even when you are absent from worship, ministry expenses continue. Please prayerfully consider keeping current with your Weekly Offering for the Lord’s Work here at Zion. Regular online giving is one tool that can help tremendously in this task. Check this website for more information. You can also set up weekly/monthly direct deposit offerings through your local bank. Contact your bank for help and more information.
Please also remember and take to heart the words of St. Paul as they are found in 1 Corinthians 16. “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.”
520 E. Main St., Pierce, NE 68767, US
Church (402) 329-4313 School (402) 329-4658
Copyright © 2025 Zion Lutheran Pierce - All Rights Reserved.