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Tara Oestreich
Teacher Aid
Carol Lutz
Teacher Aid
Brooke Kilcoin
Teacher Aid
The mission of Zion Lutheran Church is empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow Christ's example, Zion equips students to grow spiritually as they succeed physically, academically, and develop socially and emotionally. (SPASE)
We believe that Christian education is a vital aspect of God's mission, commanded by Him, to the Church through the Great Commission.
We believe that the purpose for Christian education is to teach the Christian faith through instruction in God's Word and learning to live a life of discipleship.
We believe that God's people need to learn their proper relationship to God and their fellow men.
We believe that effective education is carried on through quality learning programs that relate the Christian faith to every aspect of life.
We believe the uniqueness of Christian education rests in this:
• Christian education views the pupil through the cross of Zion.
• Christian education has the Father's given reasons for educating man.
• Christian education is empowered by the Holy Spirit for accomplishing its purposes.
We believe the Lutheran School's uniqueness lies in:
• Adequate time for Christian instruction.
• The impact of professional teachers who are Christians.
• The plus of the "Body of Christ."
• The fact that the Lutheran school tries to educate the whole child (spiritual, mental, social, and physical) in a single school setting.
We believe that the family exerts much influence on a child's total education, and that the Church and school must equip adults for their important role in Christian education.
Following these beliefs, the members of Zion Lutheran Church strive to provide a quality education through their school by providing opportunities for comprehensive school program, which fills the needs and interests of all students. It will also prepare them for their entrance into a high school program. These opportunities must and shall be offered regardless of sex, race, ethnic origin, or economic status.
In establishing and maintaining our curriculum, our first and foremost concern is the individual Christian child, and his/her Christian principles. The school is committed to the principle of providing opportunities for each student to attain his/her maximum development within the limits of his/her capabilities.
520 E. Main St., Pierce, NE 68767, US
(402) 329-4658 Fax: (402) 329-4660