Every Sunday morning for all ages
9:00 am - 9:50 am
Everyone welcome!
Adult Bible Class meets in the Zion fellowship hall.
Youth Sunday School meets in Vicar's office/Zion gym.
Children's Sunday School meets in appropriate classrooms.
Sunday School classes for all ages, including high school youth and adults, will resume beginning on Sunday, September 8th, at our usual time of 9:00AM to 9:50AM every Sunday morning, unless otherwise announced. If families are considering Sunday School classes for their students for this year, please take some time to fill out a registration sheet, found in the church office and narthex, and then return them to Mr. J, or the church office, at your earliest opportunity. Each week, students should start in the Zion Lutheran Church gym and wait for their teacher to take them to their classroom.
This year, Kathy Tinker will be teaching the Pre-School through Kindergarten class, Kathy Test will be teaching the 1st through 3rd grade class, Claudia Riggert will be teaching the 4th through 6th grade class, and Mr. Jareske will be teaching the 7th through 12th grade class.
With that in mind, we are currently looking for several substitute teachers to assist in the event of teacher absences. If you are interested in helping with Sunday School during this year, or you would just like to inquire at this point, please let Mr. Jareske know, as soon as possible.
Otherwise, going into this new school year, please consider making Sunday School classes part of your weekly routine.
Recently, Mr. J and his students have been reviewing a broad summary of the early biblical accounts that we all grew up learning, just a little more deeply.
Our new vicar, Vicar Jacob Friedrich, will be teaching the Adult Bible class, and this group will be focusing on the Book of John.
Currently our Fusion Youth Group is a time for 7th through 12th grade students to gather, hear God's Word, discuss life, pray together, and have a good time with other Christian youth students.
For Youth Group, we typically meet on a scheduled Sunday, typically, from 5:00PM to 8:00PM in the Zion Lutheran Church gym. Check our updates below to find out more information about our next meeting.
In addition to our regular monthly meetings, we try to schedule, at least, one special event or activity each month, along with fundraisers, service projects, and other opportunities. More information about when these types of events will be taking place is featured below.
If you haven't visited before, consider joining us for our next adventure!
Our next regular Fusion Youth Group meeting for 7th through 12th grade students will take place at Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 15th, from 5PM to 8PM at Zion Lutheran Church. If you are considering joining us for the fun, consider bringing a friend along, as well! Food will be provided, and no money is needed.
COFFEE: The Zion Fusion Youth Group will continue to manage the coffee fellowship time as an ongoing fundraiser following both services on Sunday mornings.
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING: We are officially less than one year away from this exciting and enriching opportunity for youth students from all over the United States. The next National Youth Gathering, NYG for short, will be held in New Orleans, LA next July, 2025, for any youth between the ages of 14 and 19 years old. For anyone previously involved in an NYG, you will probably know that it takes a lot of planning and effort to get everything coordinated, so with that in mind, we will need to continue working to diligently organize plans over the next 11 months. For that reason, Mr. J will be holding a planning meeting for interested youth, who meet the age requirements, on the evening of Sunday, September 29th, from 5:30PM to 7:30PM in the church fellowship hall. If, at this point, any youth are interested in attending the NYG in 2025, please plan to attend this planning meeting, and as many meetings as possible over the next year. Pizza will be provided for those who attend.
CONFIRMATION: Confirmation classes for public school 7th and 8th grade students will be once again taking place on Wednesday afternoons, from 4:00PM to 5:30PM, beginning on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024. These classes will continue at that time on most Wednesday evening into the spring, unless otherwise announced. As in previous years, the 7th grade students will be learning from our new Vicar in the 7th/8th grade Zion Lutheran School classroom, and the 8th grade students will be learning from Pastor Bruce in the 5th/6th grade classroom. For more information, please contact the church office.
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