Our official Ground Blessing ceremony was held on Sunday, June 25th to bless the ground before construction officially begins. The service was led by Pastor Bruce, and some of our congregational leaders and staff assisted with the event by turning a shovel full of dirt. Afterward, a potluck lunch was served to celebrate this historic occasion.
To start the official construction process, machines were brought in to dig up the old dirt, fill in the holes, and level the ground. The size of the new property is starting to become a lot clearer.
The grass is gone, and the work begins!
During the process of digging out the old dirt, the crew came upon a bit of Zion Lutheran Church history. Some people may remember that the old church building used to be located on the site where the new school is to be located, and while they were digging, the crew found some bricks and old foundational pieces from the old property.
To facilitate the construction process, many of the old trees around the building site had to be removed. With that, we found that many of the other trees and bushes around the property were rotting, dead, or dying, and for that reason, we decided to have those trees and bushes removed, as well.
If you have looked at the construction site lately, you may have noticed there is a large transformer by the air conditioning enclosure. This temporary transformer is being used to power the air conditioning units and building site currently, and when the new school is finished, a smaller transformer will be put in to provide power to both buildings.
New construction fences were placed around the building site to provide protection and safety for our school children. This will also help maintain a boundary between the building site and other parts of the church property.
On Monday of this past week, underground boring work was done, so the electrical system for the new school and our existing facilities, both church and school, will be serviced by one underground electrical service line. The phone company also had to install the cables necessary for their underground equipment. The plumber has had a couple of delays in installing the new storm line.
Many important tasks must be completed before the foundation can be poured and the steel structure for the new school is erected. For instance, the fire marshal is reviewing the final design of the floor plan, and upon approval, we should possibly see some actual construction beginning in early September. On the plus side, the sidewalk by the basketball court has been replaced.
Work has now begun on the foundation for the new school. This phase of the project will take approximately three weeks, and it will include the footings, the storm shelter, and the elevator shaft.
The steel construction is scheduled to begin around the first part of February.
If you have driven by recently, you might have noticed that some of the windows have been added to the building.
What do you think of the new siding that has been added to the building? We think it looks great!
Congregation members, staff, and students got a chance to sign the inner parts of the walls before the official construction on the interior walls will take place.
Perhaps these messages will serve as a reminder to future generations!
The builders are currently working to get all of the glass in the windows, so that the school can be completely inclosed, in the near future.
With the inner parts of the walls signed, the builders are working to hang the drywall for the classrooms, halls, and office spaces.
The builders have recently put in the carpet in some places and some of the tile work has been completed for the bathrooms.
Our dedication service marked the official opening of our new Zion Lutheran School building. Although a few finishing touches are yet to be completed, the staff was able to move in, and we are currently holding instruction in the new classrooms. This new building is a true blessing to this congregation and community, and we could not have done this grand endeavor without the generous support of everyone who contributed to our building fund. Of course, we give all glory to God who gives us every good thing. To God be the glory!