Check out this video, provided by Group Publishing, to show everyone a little more about our VBS program for this year. The curriculum that we will be using is called "Scuba." To see more videos like this one, check out the official Youtube page for this VBS at
Are the oceans filled with dangerous depths or marvelous mysteries? Are there treasures waiting just below the surface of the water waiting to be discovered?
Find out this summer as we dive into the Bible for another summer of splashing, learning, and growing at Zion Lutheran Church in Pierce, NE. During Vacation Bible School, this year, we hope everyone has packed their scuba gear as we prepare to explore the vast recesses of the ocean in the pursuit to sink into the truth of God's deep and endless love for His people.
The theme for Zion Lutheran Church, Pierce, VBS this year will be "Scuba" by Group Publishing, and it will be taking place Monday, June 3rd, through Friday, June 7th, from 9:00AM to 12:00PM each day, with the VBS closing to take place during the 10:00AM church service on Sunday, June 9th. All students going into Pre K through 6th grade are welcome to join as participants, and anyone 7th grade and older is encouraged to lend a hand as a volunteer.
Adventure awaits this summer!
Reminder, all students involved in VBS this year are welcome to participate in the VBS closing service, so we can really show the congregation what we learned throughout the week. If students are planning to participate in this service, please plan to arrive to the church and meet in the Zion gym by 9:45AM, so we can practice and assemble in groups. The students will sit with their class for the duration of the service as they will sing several times throughout.
Although it may be hard to believe, VBS is less than a month away. Keeping that in mind, we are asking the congregation to consider aiding our VBS program by lending their support through a variety of ways, such as:
1. Please continue to keep our students and volunteers in your prayers.
2. We need volunteers who would be willing to serve in a variety of areas. Please consider registering to help with VBS by filling out a paper registration, found at the church office or on our church website, or by completing registration online at our church website,, under “Educational Ministries” and the VBS tab.
3. Students are now able to be registered, so please consider inviting friends or family members. Paper registrations are available in the church office or can be printed from our church website, and online registration can be completed from our church website,, under “Educational Ministries” and the VBS tab. Paper registrations may be returned to the Zion Church offices during our regular business hours.
4. For your convenience, a donation board will be featured in the Narthex starting in mid May, so if you are able to buy or provide a few needed items from our wish list, that would be very helpful. For those interested in making cookies, peanut products (including peanuts and peanut butter) are sticky prohibited. We will begin looking for cookie bakers in mid May.
5. For those who would like to support our VBS but cannot volunteer or provide items, we will be accepting monetary donations, as well. Checks can be made payable to Zion Lutheran Church, and they can be sent to Zion Lutheran Church (520 E. Main Street, Pierce, NE 68767).
Reminder Vacation Bible School will be taking place June 3rd through June 7th from 9AM to 12PM, daily. For question, please contact Mr. Jareske by email ( or by phone (402-329-4313).
Ready or not, VBS is almost here! As in previous years, we would like to invite all volunteers, including group leaders, assistants, and stations leaders, to plan to attend our major VBS training and decorating day on Sunday, June 2nd, beginning at 12PM on this date. We will plan to meet in the church fellowship hall to eat lunch, which will be provided, and discuss relevant information pertaining to VBS for this year. After the meeting concludes, we will then plan to move around the church and finish with any decorating that remains at that time. If you are a volunteer this year, especially if you have not attended our planning meets up to this point, please plan to attend this meeting on this date. This event takes a lot of planning and preparation, and so we appreciate any help that anyone is able to offer. We will look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Also, if you are still interested in helping at this point and have not yet had a chance to register, please feel free to let Mr. J know at your earliest opportunity. We still several roles that need to be filled, so any help would be appreciated.
Also, to help with the Snack Station, a signup sheet for cookie and snack donations will be currently featured in the church narthex and online using our church website/Facebook page. You can also call the church phone number (402-329-4313) to signup throughout the week, Monday through Thursday. For those interested in making cookies, we would like to offer a reminder that peanut products (including peanuts and peanut butter) are sticky prohibited.
Speaking to our Science, Games, and Craft Station leaders for this year, we have put together a list of a few items that can be claimed, purchased, and donated by anyone who might like to assist VBS by donating items this year, as we know this congregation loves to be able to support VBS even if they cannot donate their time during the week. If you are one of those people, and you would like to donate to help with the purchasing of needed items, claiming and donating one of the suggested items from the board in the narthex would be a huge help. The list of needed items can also be found and claimed, online, using our church website and church Facebook page.
If you would be willing to do so, please either plan to take and return one of the cards from the Zion Lutheran Church narthex bulletin board with the suggested donation, contact the church office (402-329-4313) to let us know which card you would like to claim, or sign up online using our website/Facebook page. The cards and donations can be returned to the basket sitting by the VBS display table in the church narthex Monday through Thursday during regular business hours and on Sunday mornings. Donations can also be dropped off at the church office. For monetary donations, checks can be made payable to Zion Lutheran Church, and they can be sent to Zion Lutheran Church (520 E. Main Street, Pierce, NE 68767).
It truly is a wonderful and humbling opportunity to be able to offer VBS to this church and community, but truthfully, offering a VBS of this size does come with an associated cost each year. With that in mind, we do rely on the generosity of this congregation and community to be able to provide an experience of this quality, so if you feel so moved to donate to help support our VBS program, and you have not yet gotten the chance to do so, an offering box will be featured for a few more weeks in the church narthex for this purpose. Donations can also be brought to the church office, Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 4PM. For those who have already donated this year through their time, talents, and treasures, please know that we really do appreciate everyone who has worked to continually support our VBS program. Thank you!
Vacation Bible School for Zion Lutheran Church will take place on Monday, June 3rd, through Friday, June 7th, from 9AM to 12PM on each of those days. While you anxiously await the first day, please take some time to complete our registration process as outlined below. All students going into Pre K through 6th grade are welcome to join as participants, and anyone 7th grade and older is encouraged to lend a hand as a volunteer. See you on the next wave!
VBS is here, and we can't believe all the fun we are going to have learning about our great God throughout the week! If you aren't able to join us this year, please look forward to joining us next year. See you on the next wave!
This year, just like in the past, student registration can be completed either by filling out and returning a paper registration form to Zion Lutheran Church, which can either be downloaded below or picked up from our church office, or by completing the online registration process through the link provided on this website. All paper registration forms must be printed and returned to Zion Lutheran Church during our regular hours for registration to be complete. VBS, for this year, will take place during the week of Monday, June 3rd, through Friday, June 7th. Thank you for your interest!
Paper registration forms for individuals interested in serving as volunteers can likewise be downloaded below or picked up from our church office. These must also be printed, filled out, and returned to Zion Lutheran Church during our regular hours. Volunteers can also register using our online registration tool through the link provided on this website.
General Reminders