Names & Counting Concepts - introduced by themed units
Rhyming w/Nursery Rhymes
Position words
Scissor skills
Pencil grip
Daily routine & Classroom Rules
Small & Large group work
Jesus Time
Sports & Dance
Story Time
Same as 3's with emphasis on application of
ABC's & 1, 2, 3's
Discerning differences between letters & numbers
Uppercase & lowercase
Spell own name verbally & write it properly
Recognizing letters and their sounds
Nursery Rhyme stories w/pictures-words
Counting, sorting & sequencing
Before/After & More/Less concepts
Proper letter formation
Defined Center work
All areas repeated from 3's column
Reinforce ABC's & 1, 2, 3's w/developmental applications:
- Daily name sign-in log
- Alphabet skills to reinforce letter/sound with picture-word cards
- Journals to promote formation of words and develop imagination as well as vocabulary; journal subjects are both teacher-led and student directed
Theme work same as 3's and 4's column
Pre-reading skills
Advance math tools and practices
Interactive nursery rhymes